AB514-engrossed, s. 74 12Section 74. 29.574 of the statutes is repealed.
AB514-engrossed, s. 75 13Section 75. 29.575 of the statutes is repealed.
AB514-engrossed, s. 76 14Section 76. 29.578 of the statutes is repealed.
AB514-engrossed, s. 77 15Section 77. 29.579 of the statutes is repealed.
AB514-engrossed, s. 78 16Section 78. 29.583 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-engrossed,74,2117 29.583 (1) The department may seize and dispose of or may authorize the
18disposal of any deer that has escaped from land licensed under s. 29.574 or 29.578
1922.16 or owned by a person registered under s. 95.55 if the escaped deer has traveled
20more than 3 miles from the land or if the licensee or person has not had the deer
21returned to the land within 72 hours of the discovery of the escape.
AB514-engrossed, s. 79 22Section 79. 29.585 of the statutes is repealed.
AB514-engrossed, s. 80 23Section 80. 29.586 of the statutes is repealed.
AB514-engrossed, s. 81 24Section 81. 29.59 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
129.59 (1) (f) Notwithstanding s. 29.01 (14), "wild animal" means any
2undomesticated mammal or bird, but does not include farm-raised deer or wild
3animals that are subject to regulation under ch. 22
AB514-engrossed, s. 82 4Section 82. 29.598 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-engrossed,75,85 29.598 (1) Definition. In this section, "wildlife damage" means damage caused
6by deer that live in the wild, bear or geese that are not subject to regulation under
7ch. 22 and that is done
to commercial seedings or crops on agricultural land, to
8orchard trees or nursery stock or to apiaries or livestock.
AB514-engrossed, s. 83 9Section 83. 29.605 of the statutes is repealed.
AB514-engrossed, s. 84 10Section 84. 29.645 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-engrossed,75,15 1129.645 Larceny of game. A person who, without permission of the owner,
12molests, disturbs or appropriates any wild animal or its carcass that has been
13lawfully reduced to possession by another shall forfeit not less than $1,000 nor more
14than $2,000. This section does not apply to farm-raised deer or to wild animals that
15are subject to regulation under ch. 22
AB514-engrossed, s. 85 16Section 85. 29.65 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-engrossed,75,2317 29.65 (1) (intro.)  The department may bring a civil action in the name of the
18state for the recovery of damages against any person unlawfully killing, wounding,
19catching, taking, trapping, or having unlawfully in possession possessing in
20violation of this chapter or of any rule promulgated under this chapter
any of the
21following named protected wild animals, birds, or fish, or any part of an animal, bird
22or fish, and the sum assessed for damages for each wild animal, bird, or fish shall be
23not less than the amount stated in this section:
AB514-engrossed, s. 86 24Section 86. 59.25 (3) (f) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
159.25 (3) (f) 2. For all court imposed fines and forfeitures required by law to be
2deposited in the state treasury, the amounts required by s. 165.87 for the penalty
3assessment surcharge, the amounts required by s. 167.31 (5) for the weapons
4assessment, the amounts required by s. 973.045 for the crime victim and witness
5assistance surcharge, the amounts required by s. 973.046 for the deoxyribonucleic
6acid analysis surcharge, the amounts required by s. 961.41 (5) for the drug abuse
7program improvement surcharge, the amounts authorized by s. 971.37 (1m) (c) 1. or
8required by s. 973.055 (1) for the domestic abuse assessment, the amounts required
9by s. 346.655 (2) (a) and (b) for the driver improvement surcharge, the amounts
10required by s. 102.85 (4) for the uninsured employer assessment, the amounts
11required by s. 299.93 for the environmental assessment, the amounts required by s.
1229.9965 for the wild animal protection assessment, the amounts required by s. ss.
1322.43 (1) (d) and
29.997 for the natural resources assessment surcharge, the amounts
14required by s. 29.9967 for the fishing shelter removal assessment, the amounts
15required by s. 350.115 for the snowmobile registration restitution payment and the
16amounts required by s. ss. 22.43 (2) (d) and 29.998 for natural resources restitution
17payments, transmit to the state treasurer a statement of all moneys required by law
18to be paid on the actions entered during the preceding month on or before the first
19day of the next succeeding month, certified by the county treasurer's personal
20signature affixed or attached thereto, and at the same time pay to the state treasurer
21the amount thereof.
AB514-engrossed, s. 87 22Section 87. 59.40 (2) (m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-engrossed,77,1823 59.40 (2) (m) Pay monthly to the treasurer for the use of the state the state's
24percentage of the fees required to be paid on each civil action, criminal action and
25special proceeding filed during the preceding month and pay monthly to the

1treasurer for the use of the state the percentage of court imposed fines and forfeitures
2required by law to be deposited in the state treasury, the amounts required by s.
3165.87 (2) (b) for the penalty assessment surcharge, the amounts required by s.
4167.31 (5) for the weapons assessment, the amounts required by s. 973.045 for the
5crime victim and witness assistance surcharge, the amounts required by s. 973.046
6for the deoxyribonucleic acid analysis surcharge, the amounts required by s. 961.41
7(5) for the drug abuse program improvement surcharge, the amounts authorized by
8s. 971.37 (1m) (c) 1. or required by s. 973.055 for the domestic abuse assessment
9surcharge, the amounts required by s. 346.655 for the driver improvement
10surcharge, the amounts required by s. 102.85 (4) for the uninsured employer
11assessment, the amounts required by s. 299.93 for the environmental assessment,
12the amounts required under s. 29.9965 for the wild animal protection assessment,
13the amounts required under s. ss. 22.43 (1) (d) and 29.997 (1) (d) for the natural
14resources assessment surcharge, the amounts required by s. 29.9967 for the fishing
15shelter removal assessment, the amounts required by s. 350.115 for the snowmobile
16registration restitution payment and the amounts required under s. ss. 22.43 (2) (d)
29.998 (1) (d) for the natural resources restitution payments. The payments
18shall be made by the 15th day of the month following receipt thereof.
AB514-engrossed, s. 88 19Section 88. 167.31 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-engrossed,77,2320 167.31 (4) (b) Subsections (2) (a), (b) and (c) and (3) (a) and (b) do not apply to
21the holder of a scientific collector permit research license under s. 29.17 22.25 who
22is using a net gun or tranquilizer gun in an activity related to the purpose for which
23the permit was issued.
AB514-engrossed, s. 89 24Section 89. 814.60 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
1814.60 (2) (e) Natural resources restitution payment imposed by s. 22.43 (2) (d)
AB514-engrossed, s. 90 3Section 90. 895.57 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-engrossed,78,104 895.57 (3) Subsection (2) does not apply to any humane officer, local health
5officer, peace officer, employe of the department of natural resources while on any
6land licensed under s. 22.15, 22.16, 22.17, 22.18, 22.19 or 29.52, 29.573, 29.574,
729.575 or 29.578
or designated as a wildlife refuge under s. 29.57 (1) or employe of
8the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection if the officer's or
9employe's acts are in good faith and in an apparently authorized and reasonable
10fulfillment of his or her duties.
AB514-engrossed, s. 91 11Section 91. 943.75 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-engrossed,78,1912 943.75 (3) Subsection (2) does not apply to any humane officer, local health
13officer, peace officer, employe of the department of natural resources while on any
14land licensed under s. 22.15, 22.16, 22.17, 22.18, 22.19 or 29.52, 29.573, 29.574,
1529.575 or 29.578
or designated as a wildlife refuge under s. 29.57 (1) or employe of
16the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection if the officer's or
17employe's acts are in good faith and in an apparently authorized and reasonable
18fulfillment of his or her duties. This subsection does not limit any other person from
19claiming the defense of privilege under s. 939.45 (3).
AB514-engrossed, s. 92 20Section 92. 951.01 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB514-engrossed,78,2121 951.01 (1m) "Conservation warden" means a warden appointed under s. 23.10.
AB514-engrossed, s. 93 22Section 93. 951.015 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-engrossed,79,3 23951.015 Construction and application. This chapter shall not be
24interpreted as controverting any law regulating wild animals subject to regulation
25under ch. 22,
the taking of game as defined in s. 29.01 (4) to (7) and (10), the trapping

wild animals under ch. 29, the use of live animals in dog trials or in the training
2of hunting dogs
or the slaughter of animals by persons acting under state or federal
AB514-engrossed, s. 94 4Section 94. 951.09 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-engrossed,79,14 5951.09 Shooting at caged or staked animals. No person may instigate,
6promote, aid or abet as a principal, agent, employe, participant or spectator, or
7participate in the earnings from, or intentionally maintain or allow any place to be
8used for the shooting, killing or wounding with a firearm or any deadly weapon, any
9animal, except for farm-raised deer, as defined in s. 95.001 (1) (a), that is tied, staked
10out, caged or otherwise intentionally confined in a man-made enclosure, regardless
11of size. Nothing in this section prohibits the shooting of any wild game in its wild
12state or the shooting of game birds and waterfowl at licensed game farms or licensed
13shooting preserves
captive wild birds or captive white-tailed deer that is authorized
14under s. 22.09 (2)
AB514-engrossed, s. 95 15Section 95. 951.15 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
AB514-engrossed,79,1816 951.15 (5) For purposes of enforcing this chapter as to wild animals subject to
17regulation under ch. 22, a conservation warden has the same powers and duties that
18a law enforcement officer has under this section.
AB514-engrossed, s. 96 19Section 96. 951.16 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-engrossed,80,8 20951.16 Investigation of cruelty complaints. A person may apply for a
21search warrant under s. 968.12 if there is reason to believe that a violation of this
22chapter has taken place or is taking place. If the court is satisfied that probable cause
23exists, it shall issue a search warrant directing a law enforcement officer in the
24county to proceed immediately to the location of the alleged violation with a doctor
25of veterinary medicine, if the court determines that a veterinarian is necessary for

1purposes of the search, and directing the law enforcement officer to search the place
2designated in the warrant, retaining in his or her custody subject to the order of the
3court such property or things as are specified in the warrant, including any animal.
4For purposes of enforcing this chapter as to a wild animal that is subject to regulation
5under ch. 22, the warrant may direct a conservation warden to act as provided in this
The warrant shall be executed and returned to the court which issued the
7warrant in accordance with ss. 968.15 and 968.17. This section shall not affect other
8powers and duties of law enforcement officers or conservation wardens.
AB514-engrossed, s. 97 9Section 97. 951.18 (4) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-engrossed,80,1910 951.18 (4) (a) 2. A sentencing court shall require a criminal violator to pay
11restitution to a person, including any local humane society or county or municipal
12pound or a law enforcement officer or conservation warden, for any pecuniary loss
13suffered by the person as a result of the crime, including expenses in keeping any
14animal that is involved in the crime. This requirement applies regardless of whether
15the criminal violator is placed on probation under s. 973.09. If restitution is ordered,
16the court shall consider the financial resources and future ability of the criminal
17violator to pay and shall determine the method of payment. Upon the application of
18any interested party, the court shall schedule and hold an evidentiary hearing to
19determine the value of any pecuniary loss under this paragraph.
AB514-engrossed, s. 98 20Section 98. 951.18 (4) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-engrossed,81,821 951.18 (4) (b) 1. A sentencing court may order that an animal be delivered to
22the local humane society or the county or municipal pound or to a law enforcement
23officer if a person commits a crime under this chapter, the person is the owner of the
24animal that is involved in the crime and the court considers the order to be
25reasonable and appropriate. A sentencing court may order that an animal be

1delivered to the department of natural resources, if the animal is a wild animal
2subject to regulation under ch. 22 and the court considers the order to be reasonable
3and appropriate.
The society, pound or officer shall release the animal to a person
4other than the owner or dispose of the animal in a proper and humane manner. If
5the animal is a dog, the release or disposal shall be in accordance with s. 174.046 (8)
6or (9), except s. 174.046 (8) (a) does not apply and the fees under s. 174.046 (8) (d) do
7not apply if the expenses are covered under s. 951.17. If the animal is not a dog, the
8society, pound or officer may charge a fee for the release of the animal.
AB514-engrossed, s. 99 9Section 99. 973.05 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB514-engrossed,82,610 973.05 (1) When a defendant is sentenced to pay a fine, the court may grant
11permission for the payment of the fine, of the penalty assessment imposed by s.
12165.87, the jail assessment imposed by s. 302.46 (1), the crime victim and witness
13assistance surcharge under s. 973.045, any applicable deoxyribonucleic acid analysis
14surcharge under s. 973.046, any applicable drug abuse program improvement
15surcharge imposed by s. 961.41 (5), any applicable domestic abuse assessment
16imposed by s. 971.37 (1m) (c) 1. or 973.055, any applicable driver improvement
17surcharge imposed by s. 346.655, any applicable weapons assessment imposed by s.
18167.31, any applicable uninsured employer assessment imposed by s. 102.85 (4), any
19applicable environmental assessment imposed by s. 299.93, any applicable wild
20animal protection assessment imposed by s. 29.9965, any applicable natural
21resources assessment imposed by s. 22.43 (1) (d) or 29.997 and any applicable natural
22resources restitution payment imposed by s. 22.43 (2) (d) or 29.998 to be made within
23a period not to exceed 120 days. If no such permission is embodied in the sentence,
24the fine, the penalty assessment, the jail assessment, the crime victim and witness
25assistance surcharge, any applicable deoxyribonucleic acid analysis surcharge, any

1applicable drug abuse program improvement surcharge, any applicable domestic
2abuse assessment, any applicable driver improvement surcharge, any applicable
3weapons assessment, any applicable uninsured employer assessment, any
4applicable environmental assessment, any applicable wild animal protection
5assessment, any applicable natural resources assessment and any applicable
6natural resources restitution payment shall be payable immediately.
AB514-engrossed, s. 100m 7Section 100m. Effective dates. This act takes effect on January 1, 1999,
8except as follows:
AB514-engrossed,82,10 9(1) The treatment of section 22.285 of the statutes takes effect on the day after